Custom HL7 interface design & development

Quest Group has extensive experience in the design and development of custom interfaces for healthcare entities.

Some examples of our projects include:

  • Synchronization of patient demographics across multiple databases & applications
    • Admissions (A01)
    • Discharges (A03)
    • Transfers (A02)
    • Updates (A08)
  • Acquisition and linking of specialist encounter reports  with patient medical records
    • Text
    • Base64-encoded PDFs
  • Order processing with custom facility routing based on type of service
  • Real-time monitoring of multiple channels with email alerts and automated restarts for high uptime
  • Filename standardization with auto-correction of typical errors
  • Integration of data to/from various formats:  TXT, PDF, CSV, XML, SQL Server, HL7, etc.

Our preferred interface engine is:  Iguana by iNTERFACEWARE, Inc.